Public security management

美 [ˈpʌblɪk sɪˈkjʊrəti ˈmænɪdʒmənt]英 [ˈpʌblɪk sɪˈkjʊərəti ˈmænɪdʒmənt]
  • 网络公共安全管理
Public security managementPublic security management
  1. Study on urban public security management model in China


  2. On Improving the Rural Public Security Management System : A Case Study of Lincang City


  3. Development Direction of Public Security Management of Floating Population under Harmonious Society


  4. On Reform of System of Administrative Examination and Approval and Public Security Management


  5. The Study of Comprehensive Public Security Management Strategies in Urban Villages of Guangdong Province


  6. Power Corruption and Law Enforcement Supervision of the Penalty Law of Public Security Management


  7. The Thinking of Public Security Management in Convention and Exhibition Industry of Guangzhou City


  8. Therefore , should put forward a sound public security management countermeasure in Wenzhou City .


  9. Thought of Public Security Management Mode of Outside-inside Surroundings of Higher Schools


  10. On Modification and Perfection of " public security management regulations of punishing "


  11. Property Rights Protection in the Administrative Enforcement & Taking Public Security Management Punishment Law as an Example


  12. Demands of justice : expansion and limitation of the discretionary power in public security management


  13. Third , the large number of floating population in the focus of public security management is a challenge .


  14. Based on the ideas of social public security management , it is significant to build an information network security management framework .


  15. Adding procedure of investigation in the Penalty Law of Public Security Management is of realistic inevitability .


  16. " The public security management punishment law " was formally promulgated and implemented for six years .


  17. The Characteristics and Inspires of Western Countries ' Public Security Management : " The Knowledge Problem " Analysis Angle of View


  18. Wenzhou City public security management system is the Division of responsibilities under the existing system of public security and orientation .


  19. Partial view of process governed by law in our country bases on the law of punishment in public security management


  20. The Penalty Law of Public Security Management : the Unification of Protecting Private Rights and Standardizing Public Rights


  21. In China 's public security management , the Government participates as the main force while the participation of social forces is not enough .


  22. Article XV of the drunken person in violation of public security management , and should be punished .


  23. Promote the Public Security Management Major Students ' Ability of Handling a Case , Unifying " People 's Republic of China Public Security Management Punishment Law "


  24. Public security management does not have such regulation on condemnatory byelaw , can not detain .


  25. Public security management of community is to maintain the normal order of social life , to guarantee the society to stabilize as daily management in the society .


  26. Furthering urban community residents ' legal psychology study and education is essential to promote the conversion of the reform of the public security management system and government functions .


  27. And all the weifang entertainment establishments can put their own basic information to the system , to realize this unit internal employees and the public security management .


  28. As the economy and culture of China developing fast recent years , the public security management which completely matched the evolution has been in the situation of grimness .


  29. All legal and effective activities of the public security management ( power behavior of the administration of public security ) should all come from the right administrative power subject of them .


  30. Now there exists much inefficiency in the public security management mode of outside-inside surroundings of higher schools , which is out of the line of the developing situation .
